Student Safety >> Safety Research
What does the research say about school police?
Research reports on school policing and data about school safety trends
What impact do school police have on student conduct?
What impact do school police have on student academic achievement?
Which students are most likely to be exposed to the negative impacts of school police?
Research Summaries
Differences in Student Arrest Rates Widen When Race, Gender, and Disability Status Overlap, GAO, 2024
Research on the Impact of School Policing, text and PDF, ACLU of PA, 2022
Police Presence in Schools Does Not Increase School Safety and Harms Students of Color, School Policing Research to Policy Collaborative and the Federal School Discipline and Climate Coalition, 2021
The Comprehensive School Safety Initiative Study of Police in Schools, 2022
Research Summaries: Policing in Schools, National Association of School Psychologist, 2022
Research to Consider as Schools Address Community Demands to Renegotiate School-Police Partnerships, ChildTrends, 2020
What Do We Know About the Effects of School-Based Law Enforcement on School Safety?, Justice and Prevention Research Center, 2018
What impact do school police have on student conduct?
Effects of School Resource Officers on School Crime and Responses to School Crime, Criminology and Public Policy, 2020
An Evaluation of Police Officers in Schools as a Bullying Intervention, Evaluation and Program Planning, 2018
Policing and Middle School: An Evaluation of a Statewide School Resource Officer Policy, Middle Grades Review, 2018
Students, Police, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline, Washington University Law Review, 2016
Police Officers in Schools: Effects on School Crime and the Processing of Offending Behaviors, Justice Quarterly, 2011
What impact do school police have on student academic achievement?
Aggressive Policing and the Educational Performance of Minority Youth, American Sociological Review, 2019​
Patrolling Public Schools: The Impact of Funding for School Police on Student Discipline and Long-term Education Outcomes, policy brief (Education Research Center The University of Texas at Austin, November 2018) and full research paper (Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2019)
Be Her Resource: A Toolkit About School Resource Officers and Girls of Color, Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality, 2017
School Resource Officers and Exclusionary Discipline in U.S. High Schools: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Adolescent Research Review, 2016
Misbehavior, Suspensions, and Security Measures in High School: Racial/Ethnic and Gender Differences, 2012
Are police involved in discipline?
Why and When Do School Resource Officers Engage in School Discipline, American Journal of Education Forum, October 23, 2019
School Policing: Results of a National Survey of School Resource Officers, Education Week, 2018
Which students are most likely to be exposed to the negative impacts of school police?
Reducing Adverse Police Contact Would Heal Wounds for Children and Their Communities, ChildTrends, 2022
School Climate, Student Discipline, and the Implementation of School Resource Officers, 2022
Student Surveillance, Racial Inequalities, and Implicit Racial Bias, University of Florida College of Law, April 2017
Students, Security and Race, University of Florida, 2013
What is the overall impact of having police in schools?
Bullies in Blue: The Origins and Consequences of School Policing, ACLU, 2017
Rethinking Law Enforcement Officers in Schools, University of Florida Law, 2016